
The AsyncWebCrawler class is the main interface for web crawling operations. It provides asynchronous web crawling capabilities with extensive configuration options.


    # Browser Settings
    browser_type: str = "chromium",         # Options: "chromium", "firefox", "webkit"
    headless: bool = True,                  # Run browser in headless mode
    verbose: bool = False,                  # Enable verbose logging

    # Cache Settings
    always_by_pass_cache: bool = False,     # Always bypass cache
    base_directory: str = str(os.getenv("CRAWL4_AI_BASE_DIRECTORY", Path.home())), # Base directory for cache

    # Network Settings
    proxy: str = None,                      # Simple proxy URL
    proxy_config: Dict = None,              # Advanced proxy configuration

    # Browser Behavior
    sleep_on_close: bool = False,           # Wait before closing browser

    # Custom Settings
    user_agent: str = None,                 # Custom user agent
    headers: Dict[str, str] = {},           # Custom HTTP headers
    js_code: Union[str, List[str]] = None,  # Default JavaScript to execute

Parameters in Detail

Browser Settings

  • browser_type (str, optional)
  • Default: "chromium"
  • Options: "chromium", "firefox", "webkit"
  • Controls which browser engine to use

    # Example: Using Firefox
    crawler = AsyncWebCrawler(browser_type="firefox")

  • headless (bool, optional)

  • Default: True
  • When True, browser runs without GUI
  • Set to False for debugging

    # Visible browser for debugging
    crawler = AsyncWebCrawler(headless=False)

  • verbose (bool, optional)

  • Default: False
  • Enables detailed logging
    # Enable detailed logging
    crawler = AsyncWebCrawler(verbose=True)

Cache Settings

  • always_by_pass_cache (bool, optional)
  • Default: False
  • When True, always fetches fresh content

    # Always fetch fresh content
    crawler = AsyncWebCrawler(always_by_pass_cache=True)

  • base_directory (str, optional)

  • Default: User's home directory
  • Base path for cache storage
    # Custom cache directory
    crawler = AsyncWebCrawler(base_directory="/path/to/cache")

Network Settings

  • proxy (str, optional)
  • Simple proxy URL

    # Using simple proxy
    crawler = AsyncWebCrawler(proxy="")

  • proxy_config (Dict, optional)

  • Advanced proxy configuration with authentication
    # Advanced proxy with auth
    crawler = AsyncWebCrawler(proxy_config={
        "server": "",
        "username": "user",
        "password": "pass"

Browser Behavior

  • sleep_on_close (bool, optional)
  • Default: False
  • Adds delay before closing browser
    # Wait before closing
    crawler = AsyncWebCrawler(sleep_on_close=True)

Custom Settings

  • user_agent (str, optional)
  • Custom user agent string

    # Custom user agent
    crawler = AsyncWebCrawler(
        user_agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Custom Agent) Chrome/90.0"

  • headers (Dict[str, str], optional)

  • Custom HTTP headers

    # Custom headers
    crawler = AsyncWebCrawler(
            "Accept-Language": "en-US",
            "Custom-Header": "Value"

  • js_code (Union[str, List[str]], optional)

  • Default JavaScript to execute on each page
    # Default JavaScript
    crawler = AsyncWebCrawler(
            "window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);",



The primary method for crawling web pages.

async def arun(
    # Required
    url: str,                              # URL to crawl

    # Content Selection
    css_selector: str = None,              # CSS selector for content
    word_count_threshold: int = 10,        # Minimum words per block

    # Cache Control
    bypass_cache: bool = False,            # Bypass cache for this request

    # Session Management
    session_id: str = None,                # Session identifier

    # Screenshot Options
    screenshot: bool = False,              # Take screenshot
    screenshot_wait_for: float = None,     # Wait before screenshot

    # Content Processing
    process_iframes: bool = False,         # Process iframe content
    remove_overlay_elements: bool = False, # Remove popups/modals

    # Anti-Bot Settings
    simulate_user: bool = False,           # Simulate human behavior
    override_navigator: bool = False,      # Override navigator properties
    magic: bool = False,                   # Enable all anti-detection

    # Content Filtering
    excluded_tags: List[str] = None,       # HTML tags to exclude
    exclude_external_links: bool = False,  # Remove external links
    exclude_social_media_links: bool = False, # Remove social media links

    # JavaScript Handling
    js_code: Union[str, List[str]] = None, # JavaScript to execute
    wait_for: str = None,                  # Wait condition

    # Page Loading
    page_timeout: int = 60000,            # Page load timeout (ms)
    delay_before_return_html: float = None, # Wait before return

    # Extraction
    extraction_strategy: ExtractionStrategy = None  # Extraction strategy
) -> CrawlResult:

Usage Examples

Basic Crawling

async with AsyncWebCrawler() as crawler:
    result = await crawler.arun(url="")

Advanced Crawling

async with AsyncWebCrawler(
    headers={"Custom-Header": "Value"}
) as crawler:
    result = await crawler.arun(

Session Management

async with AsyncWebCrawler() as crawler:
    # First request
    result1 = await crawler.arun(

    # Subsequent request using same session
    result2 = await crawler.arun(

Context Manager

AsyncWebCrawler implements the async context manager protocol:

async def __aenter__(self) -> 'AsyncWebCrawler':
    # Initialize browser and resources
    return self

async def __aexit__(self, *args):
    # Cleanup resources

Always use AsyncWebCrawler with async context manager:

async with AsyncWebCrawler() as crawler:
    # Your crawling code here

Best Practices

  1. Resource Management

    # Always use context manager
    async with AsyncWebCrawler() as crawler:
        # Crawler will be properly cleaned up

  2. Error Handling

        async with AsyncWebCrawler() as crawler:
            result = await crawler.arun(url="")
            if not result.success:
                print(f"Crawl failed: {result.error_message}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"Error: {str(e)}")

  3. Performance Optimization

    # Enable caching for better performance
    crawler = AsyncWebCrawler(

  4. Anti-Detection

    # Maximum stealth
    crawler = AsyncWebCrawler(
        headers={"Accept-Language": "en-US"}
    result = await crawler.arun(

Note on Browser Types

Each browser type has its characteristics:

  • chromium: Best overall compatibility
  • firefox: Good for specific use cases
  • webkit: Lighter weight, good for basic crawling

Choose based on your specific needs:

# High compatibility
crawler = AsyncWebCrawler(browser_type="chromium")

# Memory efficient
crawler = AsyncWebCrawler(browser_type="webkit")